The Weekend Jolt

NR Insider

Liberals Accuse CHEESE of a Terrible Crime

Dear Reader,

OK, before we get to the jolting, duty calls:

I really need you to help NR. You’ve heard it: We’re moving. Downsizing. But: I don’t want to toss books you’d want. So how about this: $10 for an in-super-shape copy of the quality softcover edition of Richard Brookhiser’s Right Time, Right Place: Coming of Age with William F. Buckley Jr. and the Conservative Movement? This must-have book for any conservative’s personal library provides a special take on the movement’s founder, Bill Buckley, by one of its rising stars, who had at one time been tapped by WFB to take over the reins of National Review. It’s a terrific read that critics praised. Order your copy here (shipping and handling are free).

“But wait, there’s more!”

Well, no, there isn’t. So, as Ethel Merman advised, let’s go, on with the show!

NR Podcasts

A brand new episode of The Editors, with Charlie, Reihan, and Michael Brendan Dougherty at the microphones, takes on the Googleplex and the escalating situation in North Korea.

John Miller churns out another wonderful episode of The Bookmonger, here talking with author Walter Stahr about his new work of history, Stanton: Lincoln’s War Secretary.

Three Martini Lunch leaves the bar and heads for the doughnut shop. Trust me, you’ll want to hear Big Jim Geraghty opine about lousy customer service for the Men and Women in Blue.

A new episode of The Liberty Files is to have gone live (so The Editorial Powers have assured me) after this epistle was shipped off to the interwebs. Sight unseen, ears unheard, I’m confident you will love it. Why? Because you like David French engaging in smart conversations on defending free speech, free worship, and other lefty-detested unalienable rights, that’s why.

NR Editorials

This past week there’s been but one: Here’s our take on Google’s intolerance for conservative opinions held by staff.

Eight Worthwhile National Review Articles

1. On the 75th Anniversary of the murder of Edith Stein by the Nazi regime, Kevin Williamson offered this reflection, which ended: “It is easy to despair. But not today.”

2. The title of David French’s excellent piece says it all: “The Google Firing Demonstrates That Identity Politics Is Incoherent and Vicious.”

3. Riots yes, arugula no! Kyle Smith reports on civic insanity in the hellhole that is Newark, New Jersey, where the opening of a Whole Foods had Gentrificationaphobes phobing. Yep, it’s all about race.

4. When it comes to free speech fetishes, lots of liberals are into big buts. Jason Richwine has a very smart Corner post that you really need to read.

5. I doubt Max Bialystok was talking about NR intern Max Bloom when he said “Bloom, darling Bloom, glorious Bloom,” but then maybe he had read this excellent piece on immigration and diversity.

6. If you’re a Democrat thinking of running for president, then, as Jonathan Tobin reports, there’s a good chance you suddenly find Israel has the cooties.

7. Yep. PETA claims that cheese is a product of rape. Julie Kelly cuts the- OK, I’m not going to go there. Let’s go with: Julie Kelly reports.

8. Jay Nordlinger asks: “Are we, in fact, united by love? Or can the Right give the Left a run for its money in the hate department?”

Keeping Up Appearances

The Sunday shows are keeping NR writers busy. This weekend will find Ramesh Ponnuru on Face the Nation and Rich Lowry on Meet the Press.

Related: In the new episode of Uncommon Knowledge, which you can watch on NRO, Peter Robinson interviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali about her new book, The Challenge of Dawa: Political Islam as Ideology and Movement and How to Contain It.

And, since we’re discussing watchable things, our pal David Bahnsen, who in the next couple of weeks will be launching an NRO podcast on All Things California, was on Bloomberg TV this Thursday chatting about all-time market highs, global portfolio positioning, risk, and more. Check it out. And stay tuned for news on the podcast.

Six Worthwhile Articles by Others

1. No Whites Need Apply. Here’s another great bit of reporting by The College Fix, which runs Toni Airaksinen’s piece on a Brandeis University journalism “initiative,” funded by the Ford Foundation, that “invites applications from two communities: journalists of color and women journalists.”

2. Tattoos. So many friends love them. I think they are being dummkopfs. Surely the feeling is mutual. There was a kerfuffle about ink on Twitter the other day. I’m not sure what prompted it, but anyway, this important City Journal piece by Theodore Dalrymple on tattoo lunacy is over two decades old but worth reading by any and all.

3. Arizona’s Goldwater Institute served up model legislation, the “Restore Campus Free Speech Act,” that has gotten lots of notice across the country, and more: It was adopted last week by an inspired North Carolina legislature. IJR has the story.

4. I love the headline of Mollie Hemingway’s smart piece for the The Federalist: “Yes, Media Covered Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting. With a Pillow.”

5. Great covers great: Mark Helprin writes in praise of Thomas Sowell for Claremont Review of Books.

6. Has President Trump’s National Security Advisor, General H.R. McMaster, gutted Candidate Trump’s vow to undo the Iran Deal? Over at Gatestone Institute, Soeren Kern, in a long and detailed report, comes down on the side of yes.

Meet Me at Gotham Hall

Bat Signal not included: National Review Institute’s 2017 Buckley Prize Dinner will be held there, in New York City, on October 25th. This is an important event for the Institute (it’s the biggest annual fundraiser, all of which helps support the many fellowships and meaningful programs — such as the new Center for Unalienable Rights — that NRI oversees and operates). We’d love to see you there. And you will love to be there.

Friends and Family

1. John Yoo is not just an esteemed law professor and a NR cruise poker champion. He is also the author (with Jeremy Rabkin) of a new forthcoming book: Striking Power: How Cyber, Robots, and Space Weapons Change the Rules for War (there’s the link if you want to pre-order from Amazon). Here’s the blurb explaining it all:

Threats to international peace and security include the proliferation of weapons of mass destructions, rogue nations, and international terrorism. The United States must respond to these challenges to its national security and to world stability by embracing new military technologies such as drones, autonomous robots, and cyber weapons. These weapons can provide more precise, less destructive means to coerce opponents to stop WMD proliferation, clamp down on terrorism, or end humanitarian disasters.

OK I can’t resist noting about Striking Power: On Amazon, it said “Customers who viewed this item also viewed” the OVERMAL Women Party All-over Spike Rivet Metallic Punk Dance Bra. But what if you can’t dance? Anyway, John is so darned smart — get his book.

2. The University of Notre Dame Press is undertaking the important project of publishing many of the works of the late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (it’s amazing that so many are yet available in English). This November, marking the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the Press is releasing March 1917, Node III, Book 1 of The Red Wheel, Solzhenitsyn’s massive multi-volume history of the Communist overthrow of the monarchy and democracy. You can order a pre-publication copy at the previous link.

3. Don’t ever forget about that little jewel, The University Bookman, edited by my pal Gerald J. Russello — it’s a haven for smart and thoughtful reviews of important works.

4. You’ve been naughty, all these years listening gratis to and rummaging around Ricochet without coughing up for the costs-peanuts fee. Get a membership!

5. Providence is “a journal of Christianity and American foreign policy.” I like it. Maybe you will too. Check it out.

6. My pals Dick Morris and Eileen McGann have just published Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump and I promised them you would buy a copy. Don’t make me look bad!

7. Another pal, Victor Davis Hanson, will be the keynote speaker August 20th at the American Freedom Alliance’s conference in Los Angeles. The theme is “From Gold to Dust: The Destruction of California.” Get information and tickets here. VDH is always worth the price of admission.

The Duke

He used to promote our little fortnightly, short and sweet: “National Review is my kind of magazine.” We love John Wayne. And if you feel the same, pilgrim, well then you need to see Turner Classic Movie’s Saturday night schedule. Waynapalooza!


This is one of my favorite boxscores. July 3, 1966, a Sunday afternoon at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, with the Atlanta Braves crushing the Giants, 17-3. There were many a great name of 1960s baseball on the field that day: Mays, McCovey, Torre, Aaron, Carty, Alou (Jesus and Felipe), Menke, Davenport. And Tony Cloninger. On his way to a 14-11 season, this is the game that the Braves big righthander shined, on behalf of all pitchers, as a batsman: He hit two grand slams, and drove in another run with a single. You’d have thought his performance two weeks earlier, against the Mets, when he clubbed two homers and drove in five runs in a 17-1 route, didn’t need an encore. This was the ultimate pitcher-as-batter performance (and reminds me of the flip side, when beloved slugger Rocky Colavito pitched the Yankees to a win over the Tigers in 1968). Also of note in that Candlestick blowout: Cloninger, benevolent, sharing the good karma, served up a solo homer that afternoon to Giants hurler Ray Sadecki.

Shut Up Already

That’ll be enough prattle for an August Saturday. Until we meet again next weekend, God willing and six cops, as the Old Man used to say, (why I don’t know but that six-pack of Ballantine may have had something to do with it), remember to keep holy the Sabbath, chew each mouthful 32 times, pet the dog, be nice to spiders, buy a round, never look a leopard in the eyes, and don’t toss that red shirt in with the white load.

My desire: that The Ancient of Days grants special blessings on you and yours.

Jack Fowler

P.S.: We’re moving our offices next month (Jack! We know!) and it would be groovy if you would lighten our load by doing a little bit of early Christmas shopping: Howzabout you buy some official NR T-shirts or baseball caps or mugs? Thanks mates.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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