The Morning Jolt


He’d Have Been 92 Today

As is our custom, the offices of National Review are closed the day following Thanksgiving. The turkey does make you groggy, after all. Never mind the hard cider.

But a day without a Jolt? Perish that thought. We’ll keep it short and sweet, but keep it we will — enjoy this classic piece by Bill Buckley on gratitude.

By the way, today would have been Bill’s 92nd birthday. My colleagues at NRO put together a terrific photo essay about our founder. I am sure you will enjoy glancing through it.

Big Jim Geraghty will be back on Monday, and tomorrow, Yours Truly will have some truncated Weekend Jolt for you to enjoy or ignore.

Keep digesting,

Jack Fowlerp.s.: I’m thinking this picture of Bill Buckley with (from the left) his sister Priscilla, wife Pat, and mom (Mrs!) may have been taken at a Turkey Day celebration in Sharon, Connecticut. Maybe not, but whatever the occasion, it shows Bill in all his Billness, bursting with gratitude.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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