The Home Front

I Built This, Mr. President

Bristol Palin, who writes for my Faith and Family Channel at Patheos, asked her readers to send in photos of their small businesses. (The above photo is one of them!)

I’m not sure if I’m particularly sappy or if it’s because my mother is one of those small business owners, but I found the photos very touching. My mother, a teacher, couldn’t find a job in our school district after we moved into town, so she created a day care center in Tennessee to help pay for our education. It wasn’t easy work, and I remember the “what have I done” look on her face when she only had eight enrollments and a pile of bills. ( She now has a waiting list from conception!) Whatever the reason, I think this video is incredibly poignant. I hope you do, too! UPDATE: This video has gone seriously viral, at over 110 K views!

Nancy FrenchNancy French is a three-time New York Times best-selling author and a longtime contributor to National Review Online.
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