The Campaign Spot

Wisconsin’s Recall Madness Could Use Some Avenging

Wednesday’s Morning Jolt features lot of discussion on Greece, a look at the Obama campaign’s continuing emphasis on the candidate’s personal narrative, and then this development in America’s Dairyland:

End the Division in Wisconsin! Obey the Will of Public-Sector Unions!

We’re one week away from the Wisconsin recall election.

The Walker campaign sent along word:

Governor Scott Walker’s campaign announced today that it has raised more than $5 million between April 24, 2012 and May 21, 2012 from a total of 54,112 contributions. 39,813 of those contributions were $50 or less, representing 73.5% of the overall number of contributions.

“More than 73 percent of our contributions were for $50 or less, showing that as the election draws closer, Governor Walker’s grassroots support is as strong as ever,” said Ciara Matthews, communications director for Friends of Scott Walker. “Governor Walker’s reforms have proven successful for the state by saving taxpayers more than $1 billion and helping to create more than 35,000 jobs since January 2011. It is because of this tremendous success that voters continue to stand with Governor Walker.”

The Walker campaign finished the quarter with a combined total of more than $1.6 million cash on hand in the recall and general campaign funds. The campaign has raised more than $20 million since January 1, 2012.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin Democrats, who fled the state to avoid voting on Walker’s reforms, who let protesters take over the state capitol for several days, who compared the governor to Hitler, and who forced a referendum for recalls of state legislators and the governor’s recall (putting state voters through seven elections in one year), have coalesced behind one final closing argument: Scott Walker has divided the state.


So the only way to unite the state is to give Wisconsin Democrats what they want!

In related news, the head of a public-sector union in Wisconsin was seen in public with a staff and helmet with giant horns, declaring that the era of pluralism and public disagreement must end, and adding, “Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.”

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