The Campaign Spot

Will Joe Biden Ever Get Held Up to Any Scrutiny?

Joe Biden honestly believes that the decision in Roe vs. Wade is “as close to a consensus that can exist in a society as heterogeneous as ours.”

Were Ifill not on the take, a decent question would be, “Senator Biden, are you really completely unaware of the raging abortion debate in this country for the past thirty-five years? If this is “consensus,” what would “division” look like? By your standards, did this nation have a “mild disagreement” over secession from 1861 to 1865?”
Support for Roe v. Wade has ranged from 62 to 49 percent since 1973; opposition has ranged from 28 to 48 percent. One third of Democrats oppose it.
For that matter, Sarah Palin could mention this comment and ask him if he really believes that our heterogenous society has “a consensus” on Roe.
Joe Biden has not had a competitive race in his 36 years in the Senate. He’s never had an opponent point out his glaringly inaccurate statements. The press never seriously fact-checks his rambling stories. In the Senate, you very rarely hear, “Mr. Chairman, I respectfully point out that you do not know what the hell you are talking about.”
Tonight would be a wonderful time to start.

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