The Campaign Spot

Why Is Trump Bigger News Than, Say, Jon Corzine?

My views on Donald Trump are clear.

But I’m rather mystified how “The Donald” being “The Donald” somehow represents a major issue or crisis for the Romney campaign.

The AP: “Trump overshadows Romney with ‘birther’ talk”

Reuters: “Trump birther remarks overshadow Romney appearance”

The New York Times: “Romney, on His Big Day, Finds Himself Upstaged”

That’s a lot of overshadowing, upstaging, hijacking, and so on, the day after a holiday weekend.

First, can anyone find a voter who was inclined to vote for Romney, but who is jumping off the bandwagon because of Trump? A single example of this? I’m talking about more than a Romney supporter who isn’t fond of Trump and would prefer the mogul focused on his core competencies, like lines of neckties, board games, and Oreo Double Stuf commercials.

Are the statements of Trump any more or less controversial than those of, say, Obama’s million-dollar donor Bill Maher?

Our old friend Byron York talks about “the repudiation game”:

By one-sided, they mean not only that Obama has not disavowed SuperPAC contributor Bill Maher for a number of Maher’s statements that were particularly insulting to Republican women. They also mean the press, with, as Team Romney see it, questionable associations of its own. Has David Gregory, moderator of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” repudiated his colleague Al Sharpton, the MSNBC host with a decades-long record of incendiary statements and actions? And has, say, the New York Times columnist Gail Collins repudiated her colleague Charles Blow, who once wrote to Romney, “Stick that in your magic underwear”? Romney, his team believes, understands that the calls for him to repudiate Trump over the issue of birtherism — and future calls to repudiate this or that supporter next week or next month over some other issue — are at the core all about politics.

The Obama campaign kept the money Jon Corzine raised while returning his personal donation. Why is Trump a bigger controversy than that?

Corzine’s recklessness cost 3,200 people their jobs — bigger than most of the mid-’90s layoffs under Bain that the Obama campaign insists upon spotlighting in its ads. Why is it more important that Romney repudiate Trump than for Obama to repudiate Corzine?

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