The Campaign Spot

A Whiny Post

Sigh. When Phil Gramm declares that “we have sort of become a nation of whiners,” it’s like he’s trying to help Americans forget that they embarrass Barack Obama when they visit a country where they don’t speak the language.

At the very least, Gramm ought to have listed some of the figures who prompt him to declare us “a nation of whiners.” He was talking about those who find the current economic slowdown disastrous, but he could have saved himself by listing some other folks who fit a common definition of whining.
Like the gay guy suing the Bible publisher for defamation. Or the guy who literally had to make a federal case out of the words “under God” being in the Pledge of Allegiance. Professional athletes who hold out for more money with years remaining on their contract. Hollywood celebrities who spend their lives striving for fame, and then complain about a lack of privacy.
Or the guy who didn’t want the Democrats to change their convention schedule because he already bought his plane tickets.

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