The Campaign Spot

Which GOP Senator Appears in Hillary’s Stump Speech as a McCain Critic?

Here’s a tip to GOP senators: Try not to say anything that can make its way into Hillary’s stump speech:

John McCain admits he doesn’t understand the economy – and unfortunately he’s proving that day after day on the campaign trail. He looked at the housing crisis, and he blamed consumers. His plan for the economy is to extend George Bush’s tax cuts for billionaires and give a $100 billion additional corporate tax cut. The Bush/McCain philosophy could not be clearer – it’s the “ownership society”, which really means “you’re on your own.” If you’re not a crony, if you’re not wealthy, if you’re not well-connected, you fend for yourself; the others are taken care of it.
But don’t take just my word for it. Even a Republican Senator Mel Martinez from Florida after listening to Senator McCain’s economic plan gave it an “incomplete,” and he said: “where I think he fell short” is the fact that we need to do some things that can help families, that can help people.” Well, duh. Yeah, we do.

(This post started as a worry that Martinez could be a McCain running mate, but then I was reminded he is constitutionally ineligible because he was born in Cuba.)

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