The Campaign Spot

What’s The Worst Possible Day For a Fundraiser?

Interesting further discussion occuring among righty blog voices of the rival “money bombs” being planned for other candidates in the future, to rival Ron Paul’s $4.2 million haul. The “money bomb” was a special online fundraising day organized by the grassroots supporters of the candidate.

1) Some have noted that the suggested date for Fred Thompson’s fundraising is the day before Thanksgiving – probably one of the worst days of the year for raising money. How many donors will spend much of the day stuck in an airport terminal, on a crowded train, or stuck on the roads fighting traffic on the Interstate?
(Hmmm. What if somebody deliberately picked a bad date to lower expectations, and have a built-in excuse if it flops?)
2) Any major candidate who fails to bring in $4.2 million will immediately energize the Ron Paul crowd even more than they already are. Expectations matter.

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