The Campaign Spot

This Vote Resonated Among the Apolitical

A longtime reader passing through Pennsylvania offers this intriguing anecdote:



I was a reader before TKS, when it was still The Kerry Spot, and I am a Morning Jolt reader as well. This is my first comment into you.


I travel on business quite a bit — two years ago, I had over 40,000 frequent flyer miles.


Anyway, I am in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania today, and eating at the hotel restaurant, I overhear two waitresses talking about the HCR vote. I know Obama did best among college towns, state capitals, and the younger vote. Both waitresses were in their early twenties. Both were very upset, and thought it was horrible that this makes them to work harder to provide health care for people who do not want to work. (their words, not mine) They also hated that this will increase their taxes. They hated all of the games (again their words, the process of moving the bill . . .). [And I suspect] these two waitresses only got their news from the MSM.


I went online and saw that Bush won the county in 2004 with 53.9% and that Obama won in 2008 with the exact same percentage, which was just under 1% less than he won the state in 2008. I found it very interesting that even though these young employees will not have their taxes rise now (they do not earn over 250k as waitresses, obviously) They were smart enough to understand that they want to earn that in their future careers and that this is horrible. Also, and in all my travels I hear this constantly, they stated that they will not see a dime from Social Security. No matter how conservative or liberal the person I talk to, I have yet to speak with someone under 30 years old, who believes they will see a dime from Social Security when they retire.


More proof that the Tea Parties are only just starting up.


Keep up the great reporting . . .

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