The Campaign Spot

Tune In Tonight!

My third and final (for this week, at least) night of guest-hosting Hugh Hewitt’s program begins shortly.
I’m told the best stream for listening live is at
Guests on tap include former NRO guy Byron York, the Smart Guys (Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the University of California, Irvine School of Law, and John Eastman, Dean of the Chapman University Law School), Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell, and audio of Hugh being interviewed by the Washington Post’s Perry Bacon, who wrote today’s story on Rush Limbaugh’s relationship with the GOP. Hugh ended up not being quoted in the article, as the story had changed since Hugh spoke with Bacon last week.
My discussion with former NROite David Frum is making some waves — with many Rush fans furious about Frum’s comments, and a few lamenting that I didn’t press Frum hard enough.

I didn’t agree with Frum, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear from him. Hugh’s a lawyer, and has deployed his cross-examination interview style many times. Perhaps his listeners expected something in that vein. Trained by years in print and the web, without time limits, my instinct in interviewing is to let the guest talk. (In fact, you often can get folks to say things they otherwise might not just by remaining quiet and leaving them to fill in the awkward silences.)

Beyond that, I doubt that Rush Limbaugh needs me to defend him, or that any of Hugh’s listeners walked away from last night’s program thinking less of Rush because of Frum’s criticism.

(Radio show hosting forces you to unlearn much of how you learned to talk to people, as you’re frequently having to interrupt and say, “I realize you’ve got another two points you want to get to, but we’ve got a hard break, JimGeraghtysittinginforHughHewittkeepyour-radiodialsrighthere!”)

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