The Campaign Spot

The Third Democratic Debate, Part Four

Edwards: We have a genetic lottery. Which family you’re born into says a lot about what you do with your life. Get rid of George Bush’s tax cuts for rich people.


We have cap gains rate 15 percent significantly lower than tax rate his secretary pays. There is a moral disconnect.


Obama: The tax system has been skewed. Bush tax cuts – people didn’t need ‘em, and weren’t even asking for ‘em. People want fairness.


Kucinich: People in highest brackets are not paying fair share. Corporations are taking jobs offshore. We know our tax dollars are being spent overwhelmingly on war and military buildup. I want to see the end of war as an instrument of policy.

Gravel: Never of you are going to, in your lifetime, going to see our tax system change based on what we’ve heard here for tonight. Wipe out the income tax. Replace it with a retail sales tax. Everybody will know what everybody pays.

Dodd: Our tax and fiscal policy ought to represent our values.
Hillary praises the 1990s. Praises Warren Buffett as a patriotic American because he wants to pay higher taxes. (HILLARY, STOP QUESTIONING MY PATRIOTISM!)
Biden: Tax burden shifted from those who invest vs. those who work. Biden sounds like he wants to tax investments as much as he can.
Richardson: I want tax cuts for the middle class. I would reward companies that go into inner cities and hire people. We need to be pro-growth candidates. We need to be the party of innovation.
Richardson is interrupted by Tavis Smiley, and says, “I’m almost finished.” Smiley responds, “yes, you are.”

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