The Campaign Spot

Team Rudy, Seeming Cheery This Evening

Team Rudy responds:

“We congratulate Mike Huckabee on a hard-fought victory in Iowa.  This race is wide open and we will continue to run a national primary campaign designed to win the number of delegates necessary to become the Republican nominee.  Rudy is the only Republican candidate who can not only win the primary and general elections, but will turn purple states red.”

My translation: Boy, we’re glad we’re not Mitt Romney tonight. Sometimes, it’s good to skip those quirky caucus states.
UPDATE: McCain responds:

“I thank each and every Iowan who braved the cold to caucus tonight, as well as my tremendous Iowa staff and leadership for all of their hard work over the past year.  They worked wonders with far fewer resources than their competitors.  I also congratulate Governor Huckabee on his victory tonight.


“Now the campaign turns to New Hampshire for the first-in-the-nation primary.  As Granite State voters know best, I will continue to deliver straight talk about the critical issues facing our country.  I will talk about the unique experience that prepares me to lead as commander in chief from day one, and makes me the only Republican who can win the White House in 2008.


“We started this together, New Hampshire, eight years ago. In five days, we’re going to send the same message we did then: change is coming.”

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