The Campaign Spot

Special Interests For Me, But Not For Thee

When I wrote the following, I was on to something:

A man who claims to have dedicated his career to good, clean government chooses to buy his house with Tony Rezko, and a man who claims to have dedicated his life to racial reconciliation chooses to attend a church that teaches that the government created AIDS to commit genocide against minorities. Obama has this strange habit of choosing a path that takes him in the opposite direction of his stated goal.

To that, we can add that a man who sees 4 million out of 80 million American homeowners having trouble paying a mortgage that they voluntarily signed a contract for, and blames special interests, simultaneously enjoys upwards of $7 million in spending on his behalf this cycle… by special interests.

The political arm of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and other independent groups have spent more than $7.1 million directly supporting the Illinois Democrat’s bid for the presidential nomination, campaign records show. By contrast, similar outside groups have spent about $5.1 million backing Sen. Hillary Clinton, New York Democrat.
Political specialists point out that Mr. Obama doesn’t have any control over those expenditures because outside groups raise and spend money independent of the presidential campaigns…
The Obama campaign, which had been vocal in criticizing such expenditures earlier in the race, says it asked groups not to mount independent political efforts on Mr. Obama’s behalf.

By the way, any thought on what those SEIU members could have done with that $12 million in their pockets, instead of having it spent on competing Democratic candidates by their union bosses?
Wouldn’t a guy who really said he wanted to stand up for working families, say, ‘hey, guys, your members can use that money more than I need another attack ad or contrast ad. Voters are tuning those out anyway’?

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