The Campaign Spot

Is This the Right Way for the DSCC to Nationalize the Race?

It’s a free country, and the Democrats are entitled to make any argument they like in their effort to save Martha Coakley. But this DSCC ad assumes a lot:

The Obama “plan to reform Wall Street” is a tax hike. There’s an argument about just how punitive this is going to be, and just how much of the cost will be passed on to consumers. But they’re citing “a plan” without giving the viewer any sense, whatsoever, of what is in it.

They just kind of assume that ipso facto, voters will agree that a tax hike is a tool against “greed and corruption.” I think in a lot of eyes, tax hikes are not the antidote, they’re just another symptom of greed and corruption coming from another direction.

They cite Brown saying he would be “the 41st vote, I would stop it.” They warn, don’t let Scott Brown derail President Obama’s agenda for change. Well, Suffolk’s got Obama’s job approval/disapproval in Massachusetts at a 48/43 split. I know the lefties think Rasmussen gets his numbers by picking them out of a bingo-ball cage, but he’s got the health-care plan polling at a 52 percent approval, 46 percent disapproval split in Massachusetts, with 37 percent strongly disapproving. On the stimulus, 23 percent said it hurt the economy, while 29 percent said it had no impact on the economy. And unemployment’s been around 8 percent since Obama was elected, peaking at 9.3 percent and currently at 8.8 percent. Massachusetts voters may not be all that enamored with the Obama agenda; remember Hillary won the primary here, 56 percent to 40 percent.

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