The Campaign Spot


Gallup informs us:

Even as Gallup’s underemployment measure shows that more people are getting full-time jobs, 21% of American workers think it is “very” or “fairly” likely that they will lose their jobs or be laid off during the next 12 months. That is nearly twice the 12% pre-recession level of 2007 and about the same as the 19% recorded in late 1982, during another deep recession.

Further reflecting today’s lack of job security, 38% of Americans employed full- or part-time say they are “not at all likely” to lose their jobs over the next year — down 19 points from April 2007, and by far the lowest level of self-professed job security Gallup has measured since 1975.

But as Tim Geithner assures us, some parts of the economy are “very strong.”

I presume he means the government parts.

The stimulus is working!

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