The Campaign Spot

Reading Dreams From My Father, Part Ten

A couple of observations, as I progress into the chapter on Obama’s stumbling first steps as a “community organizer.”

First, I’m formulating a theory about Barack Obama. (It’s entirely possible that I’m off base on this, or that I’m projecting my reactions to his experiences onto him.) I’m wondering if despite his exceedingly cool, calm, pleasant demeanor, Obama is a much angrier guy than he lets on. Not swearing at colleagues and blowing-off-steam angry (as John McCain reputedly is), but that he’s driven by a quiet, white-hot, continually burning anger, seeing great injustice everywhere, and compelling him to accumulate more and more power to set things right as only he can.
And I suspect that anger is driven by Obama’s feeling of betrayal by his father.
I’m up to page 178 of this book, and while the reader has been told that Obama’s father departed shortly after he was born, we’ve gotten only the most fleeting explanation as to why. We’ve heard of his father’s death, his father’s visit when Obama is a boy, letters the two exchanged, a few stories Obama was told of how his father acted as a young man… but so far, this book is constructed as a mystery: Why did Barack Hussein Obama Sr. leave? And why did he only return to his son once, for a few weeks?
(Is it possible I’m projecting? Sure. I became a new dad in September, and I’m loving it. I can’t imagine voluntarily leaving my boy and moving off to another continent and not seeing him for a decade and change.)
Anyway, I thought of that theory when Obama interviews for his position as a community organizer:

I sat down and told him a little bit about myself.
“Hmmph.” He nodded, taking notes on a dog-eared legal pad. “You must be angry about something.”
“What do you mean by that?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know what exactly. But something. Don’t get me wrong – anger’s a requirement for the job. The only reason anybody decides to become an organizer. Well-adjusted people find more relaxing work.”

Second, I read this section about Chicago mayor Harold Washington…

That’s how black people talked about Chicago’s mayor, with a familiarity and affection normally reserved for a relative. His picture was everywhere: on the walls of shoe repair shops and beauty parlors; still glued to lampposts from the last campaign; even in the windows of the Korean dry cleaners and Arab grocery stores, displayed prominently like some protective totem. From the barbershop wall, that portrait looked down at me now; the handsome grizzled face, the bushy eyebrows and mustache, the twinkle in his eyes.

… and I was reminded of the omnipresent portraits of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk everywhere in Turkey. Pictures of the founder of the modern Turkish nation can be found in every office in the country, and usually outnumbering the pictures of the office occupant’s actual family. In Turkey it’s a double-edged sword, a hero worship and misty-eyed nostalgia that keeps the Turks secular and relatively progressive for their corner of the world; on the other hand, no subsequent Turkish leader has ever lived up to this larger-than-life image of a national founder who plays a comparable role to George Washington (war hero and first president), Thomas Jefferson (architect of the nation’s laws), Abraham Lincoln (great liberator), Franklin Roosevelt (great modernizer).
The hero worship we’re seeing of Obama has its precedents, on a local scale. (Again, I can’t recommend enough Jonah’s piece in the magazine on Obama as a religious phenomenon.) In the candidate’s eyes, the O-ba-ma, O-ba-ma chanting and “he’s healing people’s souls” rhetoric may be par for the course once a leader reaches a certain level of popularity.

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