The Campaign Spot

Racial Tensions In Democratic Primary Cool For Several Seconds

Well, once Obama gives his big speech, the race issue will be put to bed, right? We won’t have it flaring up again, with one side accusing the other of racism, or accusing the other of false accusations of racism. Geraldine Ferraro departed the Hillary campaign, Obama is distancing himself from Wright… So things should calm down, unless

In an interview shown Monday on CNN, Clinton said the widespread interpretation of his remarks — comparing Sen. Barack Obama to the Rev. Jesse Jackson — was “a total myth and a mugging.”
In a [separate] interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” broadcast Monday, Clinton said the other side “put a bizarre spin” on his remarks, in which he compared Obama’s victory in South Carolina to Jackson’s victories there in 1984 and 1988. The remarks led many critics to conclude that Clinton was trying to diminish Obama’s success by suggesting that he could win the black vote but not the general election.
“They made up a race story out of that,” Clinton said. “There was no disrespect to Sen. Obama in that. So I think that our side got a bum rap about what was said about South Carolina. But the point is, that’s political tactics. They thought they could hurt me with that, and so they put a bizarre spin on it, and it worked for a while.”

And, here we go again…

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