The Campaign Spot

Punish Politicians Who Applaud Foreign Leaders Bashing American Laws

Today’s Morning Jolt was completed a bit later than usual, but I think it’s worth the wait:


A foreign leader came to the floor of the U.S. Congress and told Americans to repeal one law (Arizona’s new illegal immigration law) and enact another one (reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban) . . . and the vast majority of Democrats in Congress cheered.

You know, I don’t know if the so-called cowboy unilateralist ever did this (someone in the peanut gallery will exclaim, ‘no, when Bush had problems with another country’s laws, he settled the dispute the old fashioned way by invading them!’). I know that when I was overseas in Turkey, it was drilled into my head and everyone I knew at the embassy that you’re not supposed to tell the locals how to run their country. You might say that allowing another country’s legitimate, freely elected democratic government to determine which laws are in its citizens’ best interest is a fundamental tenet of diplomacy.

Make no mistake; Filipe Calderon criticized two American decisions on law and in the process criticized Americans. (Where is Joe Wilson’s impulse to object when we need it?)

Welcome to government by progressive trans-nationalists, where the opinion of a majority the American public is dismissed as the ramblings of the racist and xenophobic, while foreign leaders are invited to let us know how we can change our laws to please them. When Democrats control government, sovereignty is dead.

Did I say the ‘opinion of a majority the American public’? I meant a vast majority:

“A Fox News poll finds 65 percent of American voters think states should have right to make their own immigration laws and protect their borders “if they believe the federal government has failed to act,” while 32 percent disagree. Moreover, a 52 percent majority favors their own state passing a bill similar to Arizona’s new immigration law. Some 31 percent would oppose it and another 18 percent is unsure. Over two-thirds (65 percent) favor allowing local authorities to question anyone who they think may be in the country illegally, while 76 percent favor allowing local officials to detain anyone who cannot prove their immigration status. Fully 84 percent favor requiring people to show documents proving their immigration status, if officials have reasonable cause to ask for them.”

Well, it’s just those Republicans right? Eh, no: “Democrats split over states having the right to make their own immigration laws: 45 percent say they do and 50 percent disagree. Even though a majority of Democrats favor the individual elements of the Arizona law, by a 17 percentage point margin they are more likely to oppose passing a similar law in their state.”

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