The Campaign Spot

‘Out-of-Staters for Corzine’ Gains Momentum

The New York Daily News endorses Jon Corzine, joining the New York Times and Philadelphia Inquirer.

While they don’t explicitly say so, it seems natural for New York and Pennsylvania papers to endorse Corzine, considering all that he’s done to bring New Jersey jobs to those states.

Meanwhile, among the newspapers that are actually located in New Jersey, Republican Chris Christie has garnered endorsements from the Press of Asbury Park, the Camden Courier Post, the Press of Atlantic City, the Home News Tribune of East Brunswick, and the Courier-Post of Bridgewater. Independent Chris Daggett is endorsed by the Star-Ledger of Newark.

Okay, a few in-state papers have called for four more years of Corzine: the Record of Hackensack and the Trenton Times.

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