The Campaign Spot

An Oddly Withdrawn Endorsement for Romney

So – how do you go about withdrawing an endorsement that was so… clear?

Don Wilton, pastor of First Baptist Church in Spartanburg and a former president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, now thinks that his words of praise for Romney were, uh, misconstrued as an endorsement. Take a look:

“I am proud to stand alongside Governor Romney as he pursues our nation’s highest office. His values are my values – protecting the sanctity of human life, defending marriage and strengthening the family. We need someone in Washington who will stand up for traditional families and Governor Romney is that person,” said Dr. Wilton. “While we may not agree on theology, Governor Romney and I agree that this election is about our country heading in the right direction. Governor Romney is the best candidate to stand for conservative values in Washington.”

Well, obviously, there’s a lot of wiggle room there, a lot of gray areas, and… okay, wait, there isn’t much wiggle room about calling somebody the best candidate for conservative values.
Anyway now Wilton says:

“While I did give my consent to the local campaign to use my affirmation of the Governor’s stance on family values in my capacity as an individual citizen, I made the mistake of not realizing the extent to which it would be used on a national basis. It was my personal error to agree to support Romney’s campaign. Until this incident I had never endorsed any person running for any elected office, Democrat or Republican. While I have had the privilege of meeting with a number of fine candidates over the years I continue to believe my role and responsibility is to preach and teach the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am committed to pray for our elected leaders as well as for the wisdom of the American people as they are compelled to make choices based upon their deep and abiding convictions. The future of this great nation is at stake and the morality of her people in relationship to the God of our founding fathers is critical to our future. While I will vote my constitutional right as an American citizen, and while I implore all eligible Americans to do the same, I will continue to use my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as the only standard by which I determine who to vote for in any election.”

After a 180 degree turn this fast, one would almost suspect that “somebody got to him”… although I have no idea how mafia-style intimidation tactics work in the religious conservative community. Did he wake up one morning and find a lamb’s head in his bed? A note that says, “Take it back, or you sleep with the fishes and not the loaves”?

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