The Campaign Spot

Obama’s First Awful Poll of a Short Week

I am usually pretty skeptical of polls conducted over the Internet, but the Economist/YouGov poll offers some pretty eye-opening results. I puts Obama at 42 percent approval, 49 percent disapproval, and that’s just among adults. Among registered voters, it’s at 43.1 percent approval, 53.6 percent disapproval.

He has a horrific 35/60 split among independent adults. Congress has a sterling 12 percent approval rating; an entire 7 percent among independents. Among registered voters, Democrats lead by one on the generic ballot, 45–44.

The reason this is surprising is that generally, the looser your voter screen, the better the results for the Democrat; among adults, Obama should be performing better than he does among registered voters and he should be performing better among registered voters than likely voters.

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