The Campaign Spot

Obama: Osama Deserves “Trial That Observed International Standards of Due Process.”

Barack Obama, asked about Osama bin Laden and the death penalty:

Obama, who has expressed reservations about capital punishment but does not oppose it, said he would support the death penalty for Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.
“The first thing I’d support is his capture, which is something this administration has proved incapable of achieving,” Obama said. “I would then, as president, order a trial that observed international standards of due process. At that point, do I think that somebody who killed 3,000 Americans qualifies as someone who has perpetrated heinous crimes, and would qualify for the death penalty. Then yes.”

Mm. Yes, important to have that trial. Perhaps we might have caught the wrong Osama bin Laden.
By the way, Zacarias Moussaoui – the man who mocked the tears of 9/11 victims who testified against him, who would have been piloting one of the hijacked planes on 9/11 –  was spared the death penalty because one anonymous juror lied during the jury selection process when he or she declared that he had no moral objections to the death penalty. They split 11 to 1, but the holdout refused to identify himself or explain his vote.
So the moment you put a case before a jury, you run the risk that some lying holier-than-thou SOB is going to impose his morality on the rest of the country in defiance of the law. So it is possible that if captured and tried, Osama bin Laden would be spared the death penalty.

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