The Campaign Spot

MoveOn.Org: Bush’s Deficits Hurt Kids; Silent on Obama’s Twice-as-Large Deficits

Remember way back in 2004, when held a contest for anti-Bush commercials?

“Child’s Pay,” by Charlie Fisher, 38, of Denver features young children working in difficult service and manufacturing jobs – washing dishes, hauling trash, repairing tires, cleaning offices, assembly-line processing and grocery checking – followed by the line: “Guess who’s going to pay off President Bush’s $1 trillion deficit?”

Yeah, well, Obama’s budget puts this year’s deficit at $1.85 trillion. I guess some deficits force cute moppets to work on assembly lines, but Democrat-budgeted ones twice the size are hunky-dory., and for that matter, almost all liberals don’t give a rat’s patootey about deficits. Their objection in that commercial was the standard-issue horse droppings used to bash a Republican president; once the Oval Office is occupied by a Democrat, they stop caring.

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