The Campaign Spot

Keep Your Eye on Michigan’s Senate Race Next Cycle

This site, back on November 8:

This year’s Michigan Republican gubernatorial primary pitted several of the state’s top Republicans against each other . . . Well, gentlemen, one door closes, and another door opens. Public Policy Polling finds incumbent Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow at 38 percent approval, 50 percent disapproval.

PPP, today:

41% of Michigan voters approve of the job Stabenow’s doing while 40% disapprove. Her numbers are pretty much completely polarized along party lines. 71% of Democrats approve and only 10% disapprove of her. With Republicans those numbers are nearly reversed with 73% disapproving and only 11% approving of her. Putting her on slightly positive ground overall are independents, 43% of whom give her good marks to 36% who disapprove.

Tested against a bevy of hypothetical Republican opponents Stabenow leads every match up, but in some of the cases it’s very close. She’s up 45-44 on Congressman and Gubernatorial loser Pete Hoekstra, 43-41 against Congresswoman and former Secretary of State Candice Miller, and 45-41 against current Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land. Stabenow benefits from a broader lead against former Governor John Engler, who she’s on top of 49-42, and businessman Tim Leuliette who has perhaps shown the most public interest in running so far and trails Stabenow 47-30.

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