The Campaign Spot

How McAuliffe and Cuccinelli Are Spending Their Money So Far

According to quarterly reports filed by April 15 with the Virginia Public Access Project, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe has spent $761,895 on his gubernatorial bid so far.

The category where he has spent the most is “staff/political consultants,” at $481,077. After that is “TV/Radio,” at $75,033, and “Office Rent/Utilities,” at $55,586.

McAuliffe’s largest single expenditure is to the Internal Revenue Service, paying them $125,807. His second-largest was $75,033 to Shorr Johnson Magnus, a Democratic political-media firm based in Philadelphia, and his third-highest expenditure was $50,038 to “Paris Associates LP,” which appears to be an Arlington, Va., property manager.

His campaign’s smallest single expense is $4, spent at the Harris Teeter in Matthews, North Carolina.

So far, Republican nominee Ken Cuccinelli has spent $568,659 on his gubernatorial bid. His highest expenditure is also “staff/political consultants,” at $219,715. Second-highest is “Mail/Printing/Postage,” at $114,676, and his third-highest is “fundraising,” at $88,029.

The Cuccinelli campaign’s largest single expenditure was $73,492 to The Printing Express; the second-largest was $40,000 to Advancing Strategies LLC, and the third-highest was to the U.S. Treasury.

On January 23, the Cuccinelli campaign paid $1 to the City of Richmond City Council.

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