The Campaign Spot

Hoekstra: Administration Is Refusing to Release Critical Information About Fort Hood

I find Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R., Mich.) reassuring, but what he’s saying isn’t very reassuring:

Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, following up on multiple conversations with the Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, requested over the weekend that Blair and the heads of the FBI, the NSA and the CIA direct their agencies to preserve all documents and materials relevant to the Fort Hood attack and any related investigations or intelligence collection activities.
“President Obama said people should not jump to conclusions about what happened at Fort Hood, but the administration is in possession of critical information related to the attack that they are refusing to release to Congress or the American people,” Hoekstra said. “I intend to push for intense review of this and other issues related to the performance of the intelligence community and whether or not information necessary for military, state and local officials to provide for the security of the post was provided to them.”
Hoekstra said he was concerned that more information had been provided, piecemeal, to the news media by anonymous sources than had yet been provided to the Committee. He criticized the Obama administration for not being more immediately forthcoming with details and specifically requested information, and for restricting the limited information provided so far to the so-called “Gang of Eight.”
“I have requested this information be preserved because I believe members of the full committee on a bipartisan basis will want to scrutinize the intelligence relevant to this attack, what the agencies in possession of that intelligence did with it, who was and wasn’t informed and why, and what steps America’s intelligence agencies are taking in light of what they know,” Hoekstra said. “At some point, it becomes necessary for us as a nation to address the uncomfortable threat of homegrown terrorism and radicalism, and Congress has an obligation to review how federal agencies are handling and disseminating information related to the threat.

Would the “critical information” be the suspect’s efforts to reach out to al-Qaeda, as ABC News reported this morning?

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