The Campaign Spot

Hillary and Obama Thrust and Parry Roundup

Hillary, on a radio show today repeated what she said yesterday in her meeting with a Pittsburgh editorial board — “I think given all we have heard and seen, he would not have been my pastor.” She then cited a speech she gave during the Imus controversy, saying it was important to stand up for what people believe is right..

(It would seem she was trying to subtly remind voters that Obama applauded the dismissal of Imus and then  insisted that Wright’s career could not be judged on just a few sound-bites.)
Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement, “It’s disappointing to see Hillary Clinton’s campaign sink to this low in a transparent effort to distract attention” from her acknowledgment that she had exaggerated an account of a hostile reception in Bosnia as first lady in 1996.”  In related news, the sermon Jeremiah Wright was scheduled to deliver last night in Florida was cancelled. The church cited security concerns. Finally, Chelsea Clinton was asked a question on Monica Lewinsky:

It was near the end of the session when some guy asked Chelsea if her mother’s credibility had been injured by the infamous sexual relationship her father had with the White House intern.“Wow,” said Chelsea, “you’re the first person actually that’s ever asked me that question in the, I don’t know, maybe 70 college campuses I’ve now been to.’’
Then, she fired: “And I do not think that is any of your business.”
The reply drew loud applause. Then, she added, “And I also don’t think that should be the last question.”

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