The Campaign Spot

Glenn Nye: I’m So Independent, I’m Almost Not a Democrat!

Here’s an ad for Scott Rigell, Republican candidate in Virginia’s coastal-based 2nd district, with a very Republican message about the failure to create jobs over the past two years, hitting the stimulus, high debt, and the out-of-touch governing class in Washington.

Here’s an ad for incumbent Democrat Glenn Nye, congressman from the 2nd district, with a very Republican-sounding message about how he voted against health care, voted against cap-and-trade, and voted against the bailout, and how he prides himself on his independence from the Democratic leadership.

Here’s the DCCC ad on behalf of Nye, hitting Republican Rigell for having . . . Republican positions opposing all tax increases. Notice the beautiful opening line, “Everyone knows the economy is a mess. But do you remember . . .”

Sometimes, legally mandated lack of coordination is a beautiful thing.

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