The Campaign Spot

The Endless Bush-Clinton Era?

Hillary Spot reader Dave writes in:

The math on this is amazing: By 2008, no American under 50 years of age will have ever voted in a Presidential Election where either a Bush or a Clinton was not on the ballot for President or Vice President. No American under 35 will remember when a Bush or Clinton was not President of Vice President.Virtually all of the 18, 19, and 20 year olds voting for the first time in 2008 will have lived their entire lives with a Bush or Clinton as President.Carrying this trend out another four to eight years seems absurd — except, or course, that maintaining the status quo is the very definition of conservatism.

I think someone had noted that every Republican ticket since 1952 had either a Nixon, a Dole, or a Bush on it, except for 1964.

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