The Campaign Spot

Edwards Accuses Democratic Congressional Leaders of “Capitulation”

John Edwards on the Iraq budget deal:

“Conceding to the president on full funding for the Iraq war is a serious mistake. It is time to force an end to this war, and the only way for Congress to do that is to use its funding power. Any compromise that funds the war through the end of the fiscal year isn’t a compromise at all, it’s a capitulation. As I have said repeatedly, Congress should send the president the same bill he vetoed again and again until he realizes he has no choice but to start bringing our troops home.”

In other news, Edwards is attending YearlyKos. It’s in Obama’s hometown of Chicago this year.
Elizabeth Edwards is liveblogging on Daily Kos at the above link. In a way, if Edwards isn’t the favorite candidate of the netroots, then they’re really ingrates, because no other Democrat has reached out to them the way he (and she) have.

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