The Campaign Spot

DNC Memo: Everybody Panic!

You know, it’s tough to tell the national press, “We’re confident of victory,” and then turn around and tell your donors, “If you don’t cough up the dough, we’re toast.”

In a sign of serious worry about the increasingly tense battle for Ted Kennedy’s seat, the Democratic National Committee and the Martha Coakley campaign have blasted a private memo to top national Dem donors claiming internal polling shows the race is “very tight” and making an “urgent” appeal for donations.

The memo, which was sent over by a source, is the latest sign that the campaign surge of GOPer Scott Brown has caught the Dem establishment off guard. It admits that the mobilization by big national conservative groups for Brown is “working” and acknowledges that the Dem campaign is “having trouble moving independents.”

Now, if hitting the panic button is what it takes to get Democratic base voters off their couches and to the polling places on Tuesday, this is all good strategy. But you have to figure “Plan A” was to watch Coakley coast to victory, and that plan fell apart like the Patriots’ defense against Ray Rice.

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