The Campaign Spot

At CPAC, ‘The Donald’ Should Refer to Rumsfeld

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From the final Morning Jolt of the week:

I Will Not Vote for a Short-Fingered Vulgarian

Is this Donald Trump for president stuff serious? Really? We’re sure this isn’t the latest version of the near-quadrennial publicity stunt (20082000)?

Is it possible this is all stage-setting for some new line of ties coming out? A new book? Reality show? A new board game?

The guy whose dalliances with Marla Maples were the stuff of New York Post headline dreams, who made a large chunk of his fortunes by building casinos and turned Atlantic City into the depressing, pawn-shop-strewn Gotham City it is today, and whose ostentatious taste would prompt Liberace to urge him to “tone it down a little” is going to run for the party of traditional values? The guy who lost money almost as fast as he made it and who once had a personal debt of $900 million is going to carry the banner for the party of fiscal responsibility?

At Michelle Malkin’s site, Doug Powers speculates, “This is a good indicator that he’s serious about throwing his hair, er, I mean hat . . . into the presidential ring. Trump has said in the past that he’ll announce his decision to run or not in June. I hope he runs just so we can see billboards like this: BARACK OBAMA: YOU’RE FIRED!”

At CPAC, Trump mocked Ron Paul, declaring that he can’t win the presidency. Allahpundit’s on the same page I am: “Amusing and certainly true, but as a heckler helpfully reminded him, that’s an awfully big stone to be throwing from a house that glassy . . . Joe Seehusen, Paul’s former deputy campaign manager, had one question for Trump: ‘What do you know about politics? I like Donald, but I think Donald gets carried away sometimes.’ He added there ‘was s certain preposterousness’ that Trump, who has never held public office, could criticize an 11-term congressman for not winning election. Why is Trump even at CPAC, you ask? Because GOProud invited him, ostensibly to ‘help support the conference.’ How it helps the conference to have a publicity whore show up to tout his vanity candidacy, I’m not sure. But give ‘em credit for knowing their audience: Apparently, The Donald brought down the house.”

President Trump? I think I might defect.

Still, if you want a contrary opinion, here’s Jen Cubachi: “I have to admit, after watching Piers Morgan’s interview with Donald Trump and listening to his interview with Laura Ingraham, I was impressed with Trump’s tenacity, wit, and knowledge on the issues. This past month, Trump has been on the forefront on China, their manipulation of currency, and OPEC’s manipulation of gas prices. He’s also articulated that America is being run by idiots who are openly being used and mocked by other nations . . . In an interview with Laura Ingraham, Trump made the point several times that he is ‘very conservative’ and was quick to correct Laura on his opinion about life. Why so quick on that topic, if he’s not running?”

Then again, maybe he’ll settle for his own Saturday Morning cartoon show, as Spy magazine imagined back in the late 80s (introduced by a very young Jerry Seinfeld).

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