The Campaign Spot

For Candidates, the Clock Is Ticking

Midnight tonight, when you’re celebrating, is the deadline for this fundraising quarter, so chances are, in recent days every candidate you’ve ever contacted has sent you an e-mail asking for money.

We can say that fundraising ability isn’t the best measure of a candidate, but it has some usefulness as a metric. A bad candidate might be able to lock up the big donors through connections, a famous name, or other advantages, but it’s hard to inspire ordinary folks to write checks for $25 or $50 unless you’ve got a bit of charisma and a real ability to inspire people. If a candidate can persuade ordinary folks, small donors, that the campaign is worth getting behind, he probably can persuade lots more folks to vote for him.

So if you have a favorite candidate out there, he or she would love a donation by tonight a lot more than tomorrow morning . . .

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