The Campaign Spot

Boy, Everybody Wants to Knock Off Kosmas, Markey, Kratovil and Hill

I think this bit of news is useful for the target list, if not for the potential impact of Gary Bauer and the Campaign for Working Families:

Gary L. Bauer, Chairman of Campaign for Working Families, one of America’s leading pro-family, pro-life, pro-free enterprise political action committees, announced Monday that CWF is targeting 22 Democrat House Districts and three Democrat Senate seats. 

“The American people did not get change they could believe in,” said the former presidential candidate. “They got massive tax increases, gluttonous expansion of the federal government and unprecedented takeovers of business and industry. The Democrats’ assault against the ideals of smaller government, free enterprise and traditional values must end.  Campaign for Working Families is prepared to commit $2 million to restore balance and common sense to Congress.”

The CWF targets are: 

Senate – Arkansas (Lincoln),  Nevada (Reid),  Pennsylvania (Specter). 

House –AR-1 (OPEN), AR-2 (OPEN), AZ-1 (Kirkpatrick), AZ-5 (Mitchell), AZ-8 (Giffords), CO-4 (Markey), FL-24 (Kosmas), ID-1 (Minnick), IN-8 (OPEN), IN-9 (Hill), LA-3 (OPEN), MD-1 (Kratovil), MI-1 (OPEN), MI-7 (Schauer), ND-AL (Pomeroy), NM-2 (Teague), OH-1 (Driehaus), PA-3 (Dahlkemper), TN-6 (OPEN), TN-8 (OPEN),  VA-5 (Perriello), WV-1 (Mollohan).

There’s nothing wrong with this target list, but I would note that most groups’ selection of competitve House and Senate target lists overlap overwhelmingly. Sometimes activist groups look like kindergarteners playing soccer; you wish they would spread out a little. I put about 80 open or Democratic-held House seats on my “in-play” list…

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