The Campaign Spot

Boom! Rasmussen Says Coakley By 2.

According to Dave Weigel, Rasmussen’s next poll in Massachusetts has Coakley by two percentage points. Their last one had her ahead by nine.

UPDATE: More from Rasmussen:

The results of this poll are not precisely comparable with last week’s results because this poll includes the independent candidate by name while the previous poll simply offered the choice of “some other candidate.” Additionally, the latest poll results include “leaners.”

Leaners are those who don’t initially have a preference for one of the major candidates but indicate that they are leaning in that direction. Without “leaners,” Brown was actually ahead by a single percentage point.

Although the top line results are now a bit tighter, the new polling is consistent with the analysis provided yesterday by Scott Rasmussen.

All recent polls place Coakley right around the 50% mark and support for opposition candidates above 40%. Turnout will be the key, and Brown’s voters appear to be more energized.

All polling indicates that a lower turnout is better for the Republican. The new Rasmussen Reports poll shows that Brown is ahead by two percentage points among those who are absolutely certain they will vote. A week ago, he trailed by two among those certain to vote.

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