The Campaign Spot

Boehner: CBO Confirms Dems’ Health-Care Plan Is a Raw Deal

The office of House minority leader John Boehner is spotlighting the report “that the Congressional Budget Office said the proposal to give an independent panel the power to keep Medicare spending in check would only save about $2 billion over 10 years – a drop in the bucket compared to the bill’s $1 trillion price tag.”

Once again, CBO is turning into one of the Obama administration’s most powerful opponents. Boehner’s statement: “The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that the Democrats’ government takeover of health care is a raw deal for taxpayers and future generations too, since they’ll be forced to pick up the tab for the Democrats’ $1.6 trillion experiment. Families and small businesses struggling with high health care costs deserve better, and so do our children and grandchildren, who would inherit the fiscal mess the Democrats’ government-run scheme would leave behind. Speaker Pelosi and her colleagues in the Democratic leadership need to scrap this costly plan and work with Republicans on reducing health care costs without hanging taxpayers out to dry.”

Moments ago, Brit Hume said on Fox News, “This would go through easily except for one fact: it would cost a lot of money, and there isn’t any.”

A bit before him, Carl Cameron used the word “calamity” to describe the congressional schedule in the fall, where the labor-intensive appropriations process with 13 gigantic and complicated spending bills will join the delayed health-care reform bill (presuming something gets out of committee) . . .

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