The Campaign Spot

Another So-Called Pro-Life Democrat Who Needs Forced Retirement

Last night, Rep. Joe Donnelly of Indiana voted to pass the health-care bill.

Here’s how it plays, according to the polling company™, inc./WomanTrend in their survey of 300 registered voters in Donnelly’s north central Indiana district:

IN-02 Joe Donnelly

80% oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions (66% strongly oppose)

78% oppose taxpayer funding of abortions as part of healthcare reform (66% strongly oppose)

70% agree that abortion and abortion funding have no place in healthcare legislation (58% strongly agree)

60% would be less likely to vote to re-elect Congressman Donnelly if he votes for healthcare legislation that includes federal government funding of abortion (47% would be much less likely)

There are a few Republicans in that district who seek to shift Mr. Donnelly to a position where he can do less damage to the interests of his constituents: state representative Jackie Walorski, Jack Jordan, and Martin Dolan.

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