The Campaign Spot

Alter on Hillary: ‘She’s Going to Go Down Angry.’

Jonathan Alter of Newsweek is the second major lefty columnist to call for Hillary to drop out. (Eugene Robinson made a similar point last week.) He was on XM’s POTUS 08 earlier today.

By Alter’s estimate, she has to win by 20 point margin in state after state – places like Oregon and Mississippi, which have Obama written all over them. “Even she has acknowledged that the superdelegates aren’t going to work for her, they’re not going to reverse the popular vote… If the shoe were on the other foot, people would be calling on Obama to do the right thing.”
“Hillary Clinton could be a heroine to the party, could look very graceful. It would be a great, imaginative move for her. She won’t do it, of course.Even if she does well in OH and TX, she would have to win in much more hostile territory. She doesn’t have the staff on the ground, she doesn’t have th money. It’s a mathematical thing.”
“Obviously, she’s not going to do that. if she wanted to pull off a masterstroke that could make her majority leader and the toast of the Democratic Party. She’s going to go down angry instead of going down classy.”

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