The Agenda

Understanding the Revenue Surge

Over the past several months, a combination of higher-than-expected revenues and lower-than-expected spending levels has been shrinking the federal deficit at a healthy clip. James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute recently observed that if growth climbs above 4 percent by 2014, it is at least possible that there will be a surplus by the 2015 fiscal year. The news that the federal government generated a substantial surplus in April came as icing on the cake. Yet Red Jahncke, a Greenwich-based management consultant, suggests that what we’re really seeing is a last-ditch attempt to take advantage of the lower capital gains taxes of the Bush-era tax code as the post-cliff ATRA legislation goes into effect:

Much of the increase in 2013 receipts is due to final tax payments for 2012 deriving from a rush to realize long-term capital gains before the 15% “Bush” tax rate on such gains expired at the end of 2012—and before the new 23.8% rate on long-term capital gains for higher-income taxpayers took effect on Jan. 1. How do we know this? Because virtually the same tax change occurred during the Reagan years, when the long-term capital gains tax rate jumped eight points, to 28% in 1987, when the Tax Reform Act took effect, from 20% in 1986.

Jahncke acknowledges that we can’t be sure that the recent revenue surge reflects shrewd tax planning, at least not yet, but he makes a compelling case. One hopes that a stronger recovery is doing at least some of the work, and Jahncke’s scenario doesn’t preclude that possibility. But it ought to temper our enthusiasm.

Reihan Salam is president of the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of National Review.
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