Right Field

Things Keep Getting Weirder at WVU

First, head coach–in-waiting Dana Holgorsen gets in trouble at a casino.

Then more reports start surfacing of other incidents involving Holgorson.

Now there’s a possibilty that those incidents were fabricated and that the source of those reports was current heach coach, Bill Stewart.

West Virginia University is searching for anonymous contributors to newspaper stories it says contain “blatant inaccuracies” about the football team’s head coach-in-waiting and offensive coordinator, Dana Holgorsen.

Two senior university officials told the Charleston Daily Mail the scope includes members of the entire football program as well as other athletic-affiliated organizations.

The timing of WVU’s internal inquiry, which is a normal procedure in response to such incidents, coincides with a pause in the concluding phase of Coach Bill Stewart’s separation agreement with the university.

Two sources said the contract has been awaiting signatures for weeks but has been tabled as the athletic department determines who has and has not participated in fabricating stories about Holgorsen and compromising the coaching transition.

Though with this new policy for home games, fans will be able to forget their coaching troubles without leaving the stadium:

Oliver Luck arrived at Friday’s Board of Governors meeting not to tout the positives about the proposed plan to sell alcohol at West Virginia University’s sporting events, but to attack the weaknesses.

When he left, the amendment to Policy 18 had passed by a 10-5 vote at the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center and largely because he was ready to address the criticisms raised by board members.

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