Right Field

Take Your Brawls Down Under

Assuming this report from the Daily Telegraph (Australia) is accurate, here’s more evidence that timing is everything:

US Major League Baseball is coming to Sydney, with the opening series of next season — between the LA Dodgers and Arizona Diamondbacks — to be played at the Sydney Cricket Ground next March.

In a $13 million coup for the state government, the opening series of the MLB will be held at the SCG on Saturday March 22 and Sunday March 23 — the first time a competitive US baseball fixture will be held in Australia and only the sixth time one has been staged outside America. . . . 

Ironically — or perhaps fortuitously for sports fans who like to see a bit of biff — the Dodgers and Diamondbacks had a huge brawl in their game yesterday, with the entire squads of both teams running across the field to fight each other.

A similar spectacle can’t be predicted next year but the Dodgers and Diamondbacks will be in Sydney for six days, when they will play the two games and open the doors to their training sessions.

Hey, do you know what would increase interest for any skeptical Aussies? Ten-cent drafts of Foster’s. C’mon, what on Earth could go wrong?

More here and here.

Jason Epstein is the president of Southfive Strategies, LLC. He was a public-relations consultant for the Turkish embassy in Washington from 2002 to 2007.
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