Right Field

Seven Sites for Mets Fans

Where is Carlos Beltran going? What is the likelihood that Jose Reyes will be in a Mets uniform next year? For how much longer will Fred Wilpon have majority control of the club? Why on Earth does SNY permit Ford Motor Company to air Edge commercials featuring pitchman Derek Jeter during Mets games?

These burning questions and many more are debated on a dizzying array of Mets-centric blogs. Below you will find my list of recommended go-to sites — with their pros and cons. Interestingly, while four of the seven selected are SNY-sponsored, none are affiliated with the New York tabloids. (Oh, how the mighty have fallen!)

NEWS: MetsBlog

Good: There is no better go-to place for up-to-the-minute news. The site offers up occasional commentary too.

Not-so-good: Some opinions lack depth. A majority of the comments are about as coherent as the calls to Steve Somers’ WFAN radio show.


Good: An amusin’ mix of news, research, and snark. There is a constant flow of content.

Not-so-good: The formatting is beyond awful. There is more clutter on SB Nation’s sites than advertisements on a minor league outfield wall, and AA is no exception.


Good: The usually long yet substantive posts feature recaps, as well as regular doses of nostalgia. Case in point:

After Dave Kingman exploded for two homers and six ribbies on Sunday afternoon, Felix Millan took his turn at being the offensive star of Shea Stadium Monday night, collecting four singles in four at-bats. Yet all of Millan’s best efforts went to waste as the hitter who followed him in the order, Joe Torre, hit four ground balls in four at-bats, every one of them to a spot in the infield that meant death to the Mets’ attack.





That’s four twin-killings. Four ground ball double plays. Four erasures of Felix Millan and, of course, quadruple-futility for Joe Torre in what became a 6-2 Mets loss. The four GIDPs established a National League record nobody in their right mind would want any part of. Nobody ever accused Torre of lacking sanity, so the third baseman joked to keep all of his.

“You gotta be lucky to hit into four double plays.”

“I couldn’t have set a record without Millan. He ought to get an assist.”

“When I retire, I’m gonna buy a shortstop and put him in my den. At night, when I’m lonely, I’m gonna go down there and hit grounders to him.”

Not-so-good: There are times when, if you don’t have ample caffeine, the posts are a wee bit too long. [Eds.: Like this one?]

COMMENTARY And Comedy: Metstradamus

Good: The dry wit. Here’s one of my favorites:

I suppose that now that Joaquin Arias is the property of the New York Mets, that it would be a fine time to bring up that Arias has never played the outfield in his professional life.  I have to hand it to Snoop [a.k.a. Jerry Manuel], when I think Omar Minaya has whittled the value of the roster down to nothing, Manuel goes above and beyond to find a value that’s lower than absolute zero.  To hell with the laws of thermodynamics.

Not-so-good: If you want in-depth info on what went down last night, look elsewhere.

OBSERVATIONS about THE METS: Patrick Flood

Good: Flood provides solid analysis, and the occasional podcast.

Not-so-good: One week ago, I would have said “none,” but then he bombarded us with three Mike Pelfrey posts in four days. No más!

OBSERVATIONS about THE METS . . . and food: TedQuarters

Good: Ted Berg mixes stats-friendly thoughts and gastronomical advice.

Not-so-good: A review of Taco Bell’s latest offering may be more detailed than his thoughts about the previous night’s game. 

FUTURE-METS ANALYSIS: Mets Minor League Blog

Good: Proprietor Toby Hyde ably covers the entire farm system, from short-season rookie ball (Kingsport, Port St. Lucie) to AAA (Buffalo).

Not-so-good: As with any site devoted to minor-league ball, only the most hardcore fans will read it with any regularity.

Jason Epstein is the president of Southfive Strategies, LLC. He was a public-relations consultant for the Turkish embassy in Washington from 2002 to 2007.
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