Right Field

A New Snag in the Tebow Trade

The Jets have moved their Tebow introductory press conference to Monday to deal with a new contractual issue — a technicality of some sort.

And in other Tebow news, the giant-toothed former quarterback of the Broncos (Raider fans gotta hate) basically called Tim Tebow a liar:

When asked by ESPN Radio 102.3 in Denver, “Did you give (Tebow) a choice?” Elway responded:

“We did. There was more (offered) from Jacksonville, but we looked at it and it was close enough and we were in contact with Tim throughout the day and talked to him. He knew what was going on the whole time, so the reports that he was not involved are not accurate.”

During hastily assembled conference late Wednesday night, Tebow said, contrary to some reports, he didn’t have final say in where he was going.

“Ultimately, I really didn’t have any because the Broncos had all that power,” Tebow said, adding that Denver was “gracious” in the way it handled the process. “I was just kind of watching and waiting — kind of like everybody else. It was an interesting day.”

More to come.

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