Postmodern Conservative

Full Disclosure

I am not voting for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Given a choice between Donald Trump and David Duke, I would vote for Trump. (I would also vote for Clinton if Duke was the only alternative.) But given the real choice between a candidate who is corrupt and reckless, and a candidate who is reckless and corrupt, I will write in someone’s name. 

There are a multitude of people I know (including in my personal, offline life) who are supporting Trump.  I respect their reasons. I fear that, even if he were elected, Trump would betray and disgrace those who support him.  Also, Trump wouldn’t just betray them on some select issues (like John McCain and the “dang” border wall) or out of honest error (like George W. Bush in Iraq 2003-2006.)  I fear that Trump would betray them comprehensively and maliciously, but only after first disgracing his supporters by getting them to excuse or shrug at behaviors they would condemn as unacceptable in anyone else. 

My opposition to Trump isn’t especially interesting, and I don’t plan to write much about it.  I am more interested in the weaknesses of Republican Party politics, conservative political thought, and American political culture generally, that made Trump’s rise possible. But if they take the time to read those (often Trump-related) thoughts, both Trump supporters and diehard Trump opponents should know where I stand.

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