Planet Gore

Wind Turbines Will Cause ‘Killer’ Starfish


Offshore wind turbines will attract killer starfish, warn oyster fishermen

Oyster fishermen supplying top Michelin-starred restaurants have warned that plans to extend a wind farm will attract thousands of starfish – which prey on the expensive shellfish.

The fishermen are furious that plans are being considered to increase the number of turbines from 30 to 47 at the Kentish Flats offshore wind farm, just six miles off the coast of Whitstable, Kent.

They say that starfish flocked to the area in 2005 when workmen laid cables for the 30 existing turbines, and that the construction of a further 17 would see them ‘swamped with starfish’.

Starfish are attracted to areas when there is disturbance on the seabed – meaning there is more food available for them.

And as oysters are a favourite food for starfish, fishermen in Whitstable, Kent – which is the closest coastal town to the turbines – say they are worried their catch will be destroyed.

Oh. “Killer” as in, “will eat oysters.” I thought we were being warned about a new mutant species of semi-sentient, poisonous, man-eating starfish.

In that case, what’s the big deal? If the Euros think global warming is a problem, and they want the lights to go on (when it’s windy), then they can just learn to eat starfish. They’re probably edible with enough soy sauce — maybe a little garlic and ginger, too?

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