Planet Gore

Whipping Up Votes for the Obama Energy Tax

The White House is in full lobbying mode on Waxman-Markey, the National Journal reports. (Are you whipping back?)
Making your electricity rates “skyrocket” seems to be the only Obama campaign promise that does not have an expiration date.

The Obama administration has gotten heavily involved in the final days leading to an expected close House vote late this week on climate change legislation to convince skeptical lawmakers in both parties to back the bill.

Cabinet officials; White House climate czar Carol Browner; Phil Schiliro, President Obama’s assistant for legislative affairs, and other members of the White House legislative affairs office are lobbying a long list of moderate and conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans either on Capitol Hill or through events in their districts.

“The White House is very active in helping us right now,” Energy and Commerce Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Edward Markey, D-Mass., said. “The White House is making it very clear that they want this legislation to pass this week.”

“We’re doing an all-out effort,” Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman said about whipping efforts by the administration, Democratic leaders and K Street supporters.

White House Chief of Staff Emanuel talked about the subject at a regular meeting with several freshmen Democrats Wednesday and plans to do the same today with second termers.

Cabinet secretaries and other top administration officials are doing events in various districts, some represented by swing voters, to talk about Obama’s environmental and energy goals and his support of the House bill.

The week of activities was scheduled before a firm date was set for the House to take up the bill, though a White House spokesman noted “the administration is actively working to build support for the legislation, so this supports those efforts as well.”

For example, Interior Secretary Salazar spoke Tuesday in Atlantic City, N.J., home of GOP Rep. Frank LoBiondo; and Labor Secretary Solis Wednesday visited West Memphis, Ark., represented by Democratic Rep. Marion Berry.

House Democratic leaders are getting help from former Vice President Gore, who is speaking to the Democratic Caucus and holding a news conference today.

While Democratic leaders agreed this week to bring the bill to the floor Friday, Speaker Pelosi gave herself some wiggle room as the lobbying continues.

After noting Republican efforts to slow down consideration of spending bills, she said: “I’m hoping we can do it Friday. But I don’t know how many votes we’ll have tonight. We have to get our appropriations bills done — at least two a week.”

“We will take it to the floor when it’s ready. That is what I’ve always said,” she said. A Pelosi aide later clarified, “We intend to have a vote this week.”

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