Planet Gore

Understatement of the Week

Chris Horner sends along his letter to the editor to the Washington Times, which some strange reason thought it appropriate to call Kleiner Perkins partner John Doerr “a venture capitalist with an interest in green jobs.”
Why, that’s like calling Hugh Heffner “a publisher who’s always on the lookout for fresh faces.”
That’s like saying Al Capone  was “a Chicago businessman who ran afoul of the law.”
That’s like . . . OK, I’ll stop.

Your story “Green-job backers seek economic incentive” (Nation, May 14) cites Economic Recovery Advisory Board member “John Doerr, a venture capitalist with an interest in green jobs.” That is like saying, “AIG, a bank that has an interest in government bailouts.”

Readers should know that Mr. Doerr is in fact the investment partner of Al Gore and that their firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, is heavily leveraged in the very companies expecting to receive the “green jobs” and other “global warming”-related wealth transfers. It must be the case that it is a principal source of the $300 million that Mr. Gore boasts he has been given to drag his global warming policy agenda over the finish line, even if he declines to disclose who is underwriting this unprecedented pressure campaign.

This conflict is so egregious that Mr. Doerr should never have gotten involved in this issue, and his involvement should never have been sought. In any case, it should not continue.

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