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U.N. Update: Some Glaciers Growing, Despite Global Warming

More science not settled. Telegraph:

Glaciers in many parts of the world are increasing, according to a new United Nations report, despite climate change.

Glaciers have grown in western Norway, New Zealand’s South Island, parts of Asia and the Tierra del Fuego in South America.

However, overall ice and snow on mountains has been retreating since the industrial age, according to scientists from around the world.

In some regions, it is very likely that glaciers will largely disappear by the end of this century, whereas in others ice cover will persist but in a reduced form for many centuries to come.

The largest losses have been recorded in Patagonia, which cover parts of Argentina and Chile, followed by glaciers in Alaska.

There have also been large losses in the northwest United States and southwest Canada followed by the mountains of Asia, including the Hindu Kush of the Himalayas, the Arctic and the Andes.

In Europe the rate of loss is slower. In fact glaciers have been putting on mass since the mid-1970s, but this trend was reversed around the year 2000.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a separate science body attached to the UN, was forced to admit that a previous report was wrong to claim the Himalayan glaciers will melt by 2035.

However the new report made clear that glaciers are being lost in the region, albeit on a slower scale.

The rest here.

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