Planet Gore

Too High a Cost

Senator McCain should take a read:

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today spoke on the U.S. Senate floor about his concerns with the proposed climate change bill currently being considered by the Senate.  Research suggests that the climate change bill will result in increased gasoline, energy and electricity prices, and Vitter spoke about the negative impact of these already inflated costs on America.
“American families are faced with the twin difficulties of rising gas and food costs,” said Vitter.  “Even as they struggle with these concerns, however, the Senate is debating a bill that would bring about the loss of millions of American jobs to China and India. The higher energy prices caused by this legislation will ultimately force U.S. companies to move their manufacturing bases overseas, and that is simply not something that we need.”
Vitter voiced his opposition to the bill, which he believes fails to address many important concerns and will instead yield considerable negative impacts on American businesses and jobs and result in increased energy and gas prices. The Energy Information Administration estimates that the climate change bill will result in an additional increase in gas prices of between 41 cents and $1.01 per gallon over today’s costs, with electricity prices estimated to grow by 44 percent by 2030. In recent weeks, Vitter has spoken on several occasions on the Senate floor about the need to address rising energy prices, calling for a sound energy policy based on reducing America’s dependence on foreign energy sources and increasing domestic exploration. He reiterated this need for action, which is not addressed by the proposed legislation.
“Any climate change legislation, if it is intended to make positive changes, must include policies that lessen our dependence on foreign sources of energy, allow for clean energy solutions and – most important – protect American families, jobs and businesses,” Vitter said. “Unfortunately, this is not such a bill, and it needs considerable improvement if it is to help, and not hurt, Americans. This country has already lost enough jobs, and American families have already struggled enough.”

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